
Living and loving life in this moment

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st

Having committed to Reverb10 with hundreds of others (including bloggers I consider to be mentors and friends) I’m writing for 31 days straight… the entire month of December. We’re reflecting on 2010 and what we’d like to manifest in 2011…

Today’s prompt from Gwen Bell was “One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you're choosing that word. Now, imagine it's one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?”…

Sooo… my word for 2010 is “Service”.
Beginning in the fall of 2009 I taught in Commerce City. It was an experience unparalleled in my world. I started teaching with an eye towards changing the world. Laugh if you must. Really, that was my goal. It still is. I believe that education is the equalizing factor, the only equalizing factor, left in society today. People who are well educated can raise themselves beyond their physical, social, financial means. I have long believed that a complete re-vamp of education is in order and I think that education can truly reposition a person to reach their greatness. Call me foolish… or naïve. I believe it.
So I spent a year teaching a group of children that I believe really needed a teacher who “got it”, who cared and who looked at them without prejudice. And it was… tough.
I had no support from my principal and little support from my teammates. I taught with people who were as passionate as I was, however they’d let themselves be swayed by the system. I taught for a principal who had no love for her students, families or staff.
And… I loved it. I loved teaching for the children and families I served. Fortunately, I have never looked at teaching as a “business”, except where my kids and families are concerned. It was an honor to serve these families and give my 30+ students a great head start on education.
Outside of work I also served as a “Maid of Honor” and “Bridesmaid” in weddings that were back to back (literally 7 days apart). I ended up with memories that are both beautiful and painful. And two dresses. One of which I will wear (to Ignite 13) and one of which I will alter in hopes that I can wear it again… some day. Point being- it’s not about the bridesmaids, it’s about the BRIDE. Supporting two of my dearest friends in their weddings was such a gift of service for me. I’m so honored to have been in both weddings and to have served (as such) both brides.
Service is a word that I continue to work to exemplify and embody.

My word for 2011 is “Faith”.
Re: my last post, I have faith that the things that are currently *absent* in my life will manifest. I have faith that I can and will fulfill my job as a teacher in my new district, even with the challenges that exist.
I have faith that I am *okay* just as I am.
And I have faith that whatever is out there for me… those things that I cannot even predict yet… is the right and beautiful path for my life to take.
Once upon a time (like 4 years ago) I was praying over a *huge* life choice and a voice (call it God, Spirit, Universe, whatever) said “Go and TRUST” and I did. Things didn’t turn out how I imagined, they turned out better. And I opened myself up to being who I was really meant to be.
So I go into 2011 with “Faith” as my mantra and “Trust” as my constant companion.


  1. "So I go into 2011 with “Faith” as my mantra and “Trust” as my constant companion." <--- You're so much more eloquent than me. Seriously. I can't wait to read the rest of this month!

  2. Ally... I consider you a mentor! What an extraordinary compliment!

  3. You are an inspiring person. Terry and I talk about how we hope Bodhi can be a student of yours one day. For now we are happy to call you a friend.

  4. Kia- An honor! I adore your family! Thank you for being passionate, transparent and powerful! You and Terry inspire more than you know!
