
Living and loving life in this moment

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I feel so lucky to have my spring break match up with the Conference on World Affairs.   This enables me to volunteer as a venue manager for the week! If you’re on campus at CU Boulder or around Boulder at all this week...let me know or find me at one of these panels!   Since I’m geeking out beyond reason here’s
My Short List for CWA 2010:
9am Visual Arts Complex 1B20
Film Screening: Plastic Bag

10am The Quad
Student Brunch and the Processional

11:30am Macky
Keynote: Rethinking American Power

3pm Eaton 1B50
Teaching Empathy

3pm Chemistry 140
Food Porn: Out of the Kitchen and Onto the Couch

3pm UMC East Ballroom
Tweeting the Conference: A Demonstration

3pm Old Main
Women in Politics: Forward, Backward, Sideways

4pm Visual Arts Complex 1B20
I Never Let My Schooling Interfere With My Education
10:30am Grusin Music Hall
Cringe Humor from Shakespeare to Family Guy

11am UMC West Ballroom
Truthiness and the Sliding Scale of Reality

12:30pm UMC Center Ballroom
Possession and Transformation: The Myth of Vampires, the Practice of Vodou

2pm UMC West Ballroom 
International Relations Through the Eyes of Women

3:30pm Atlas Black Box
Your BA is Just BS

3:30 UMC Center Ballroom
Do Tell: Gays in the Military

8:00pm Macky
Jazz Concert Pre-assigned seating- SOLD OUT :(
9am UMC Aspen Room
A Woman's Worth

9am UMC West Ballroom
SuperGeeks Changing the World

10:30 UMC East Ballroom
Writing- The Process

11am UMC West Ballroom
Teaching of Our Fathers, Wisdom of Our Mothers

11am UMC 235
You Lie: The Erosion of Civility

11:30 Macky
The Future of Food

1pm Atlas Black Box
Hip Hop BeBop Flip Flop: The Political Role of Poetry and Music

3pm Old Main 
Friendship- From Internet to Intimate

4:30pm UMC West Ballroom
Metrofitting the City
9am UMC Center Ballroom
Start-up America: Innovating to Complete

2pm UMC 235
Artful Trio: Beat Box Fusion

2pm Atlas Black Box
Corporate Storytelling

3:30 UMC East Ballroom
Happiness is Overrated
9am UMC 235 
Brave New Digital-Visual World

10:30am Macky
Worldwide Currency Devaluation

11am Atlas Black Box
Twisted Career Paths

11am Old Main 
Spirituality: What Feeds My Soul

1pm UMC East Ballroom
Alternate Routes to Health and Healing

Of course there's also the Interruptus of Aquirre, the Wrath of God with Ebert, Herzog, Bahrani and Emerson everyday at 4pm in Macky, too.
And as usual, the Conference is stacked with incredible panels and participants! It’s almost impossible to choose where to be and when... Looking forward to finding the time to see a few of these favorites.